The Making Publics Press

Duilich, chan eil seo ri fhaighinn ach sa Bheurla an-dràsta.

On the second Wednesday of every month between 1pm and 4pm the Making Publics Press is open to anyone to come along and have an induction at the ATLAS Office.

There is no need to book just pop in.

It’s helpful if you already have a rough idea for your book project – then we can help answer questions and even test things out during your induction. Feel free to bring any images or text you’d like to print as an experiment.

On the day you’ll learn how to use each piece of equipment on your own, so that when your design is ready you can book a time to come into the space to print, crease, trim and bind books yourself.

If you’d like more information get in touch.

Open Days- How to come along

On the second Wednesday of every month between 1PM and 4PM the MPP is open to anyone to come along and have an induction in using the MPP in the ATLAS Office.

There is no need to book just pop in but it's helpful if you already have a rough idea for your book project – then we can help answer questions and even test things out during your induction. Feel free to bring any images or text you’d like to print as an experiment.

On the day you’ll learn how to use each piece of equipment on your own, so that when your design is ready you can book a time to come into the space to print, crease, trim and bind the book yourself.

We are a small team so the open days help us welcome people to the press. However, if you can’t make one of our open days get in touch to arrange your induction.

Open days - Out and about

From time to time the open days will take place in different venues across Skye, Raasay and Lochalsh. Upcoming dates will be posted here and on social media.

Tha an uidheamachd a leanas aig Making Publics Press

  • Uidheam ceangal Digibind FPB33 - seo inneal ceangail glaodh (chan eil seòrsa eile uidheamachd ceangail againn an-dràsta)
  • Uidheam gearraidh pàipeir Ideal 4700
  • Uidheam pasgaidh (gus còmhdaich a phasgadh)

  • Xerox WorkCentre 7830 Leth-bhreacadair / Scanair / Clò-bhualadair

  • Cruinneachadh mòr de phàipear geal is dath-uachdar-bainne - còmhdaichte agus gun chòmhdach ann an diofar chuideaman (a thugadh seachad gu coibhneil le Strath Print)


Bidh an t-àite ag obair air stèidh pàighidh nas urrainn dhut - le tabhartasan a' pàigheadh son càradh bliadhnail nan innealan, cosgaisean clò-bhualaidh, agus ruigsinneachd an-asgaidh don àite do dhaoine gun tuarastal.

Tha an t-àite fosgailte do dhuine sam bith agus tha e ag obair air stèidh neo-phrothaideach. Tha sinn ag iarraidh air daoine nas urrainn dhaibh a phàigheadh gus ar cuideachadh le cosgaisean clò-bhualaidh (a tha a' cosg 0.35sg gach taobh D&G dhuinn, agus 3.5sg airson gach taobh dathte). Mar tuairmse, chosgadh leabhar clò-bhuailte A5 le 50 duilleag agus dà-thaobh le còmhdach dath timcheall air £4 dha ATLAS.

Mas ghabhas, faodar cuideachd leth-bhreac den leabhar agad fhàgail do leabharlann ATLAS.

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